Smart shoppers, Consumers, Mother's, College Students, Busy Mom's, Working Mom's, Single Mom's,  (Did I leave anyone out?), know that the best time to buy for transitional weather is RIGHT NOW!  It is time to hit the sale racks.

You can find some great gems in those racks, while other's are easily distracted by the pretty new Spring Arrivals, you know that many things that can be worn for some time in this Season and all of next year's Season, are on these racks.  Here are some key things to remember:

  • Layering is your friend this time of year.  While the day may start off cold, the middle of the day can be an entirely different story, and then cooling again at the close of the day.
  • Scarves are transitions and nature's instrument of comfort for tricky temperature changes.  Start the day with your scarf and your jacket, wear it with your outfit for the day.  If it gets too warm, just take it off.  At the end of the day, if you need it again, you may just need the scarf without the jacket to get home, or both depending on the temperature.
  • Buy some of your first new Fall and Winter outfit for next year NOW!  Stay with classic cut pieces and stay away from things really trendy and you are completely ahead of the game.  Also, this is a great time to pick up some of those early Christmas presents for yourself or others.  It is never too early to start tackling that list!
The best advice for the any shopper is to look for the things you need on those sale racks and buy some for now and some for later.  Don't however forget about all the new things that are there for Spring.  If you find a great piece or pieces you love, get them NOW.  When you go back to buy them they are almost always gone.  Adding some just in merchandise with buying for transition, later Season's, and gifting, is simply just smart buying.  


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